Intuitive life coaching for songwriters and executives

This microcosm we call “Hollywood” has a unique flavor to it…

secrets, secrets, and more secrets…

Are you afraid to open up, but know you desperately need to work past your apprehension of sharing “too much”? Well, that’s normal. You live a life of which few could even imagine the reality. We’ll work through things at your pace, letting you lead the way to your place of peace and clarity. 

You’re probably navigating multiple relationships with managers, agents, public relations professionals, the public, and most importantly your relationship with yourself. Or maybe you’re not in the limelight yourself but have the responsibility to support and guide someone who is— it’s a huge duty!

We can and will get to you where you deserve to be!

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Ready to transform your life?

Get a 15-minute consultation for $15 when you sign up today!

Let Purcella help you get to where you need to go!